Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nepal Rivers - Kali Gandaki

October 21st – 23rd – Kali Gandaki River:

I went with Paddle Nepal again for the Kali Gandaki river. I have previously done this river with NOC back in 1997. However, at that time it was a 5 day trip, and since then a dam has been built, shortening the trip to 3 days. This is a class III river with a good amount of water, making for great wave trains! This was a great warm-up river to get myself ready for the bigger river finale of either the Karnali or the Tamur. There was a photo boater on this trip, so there are many photos of me boating.
The next generation of a kayaker:

The put-in for the Kali Gandaki:

Day 1
Started off the 1st day with 2 big rapids…Little Brother:

...and Big Brother:

Day 2
Temple along the river:

More fun big water!!

Day 3:
Morning at camp along the river:

Heather, who I was thatnkful to follow and showed me all the good lines:

Almost got sucked back into this one (unknown named rapid)…

It was a 3 hour drive back to Pokhara from the river’s take-out. We stopped for tea break and snacks at a typical town along the way home: